

However the program is set up, I recommend that it cover the
following items.


Reinstitute whole-body counting for cesium-137 now to

establish a base line of comparison to be used when the people
return to Rongelap. We know, of course, that their counts have not
been excessive.
(2) Study the plutonium excretion in urine now [before
return}* as a research project to determine the reproducibility of
the fission track method and how environmental factors night
influence the results, [and especially why the Brookhaven results
differ so much from those obtained by Lawrence Livermore).
(3) Extend the study (before return]* of infant diets and
those of small children. This will be much more time consuming than
foreign consultants might suppose.
(4) Develop a plan to control contamination to the extent
necessary to make the Rongelap people feel comfortable with their
Atoll. Two methods developed at Bikini Atoll might be adapted for
use here -- soil removal or soil treatment with potassium salt. The
plan would be a graded one in which the northern islands would
receive more treatment than Rongelap itself, which would receive
little, if any.
(5) The prelude to such planning would include some
contamination surveys on the important islands where food is
(6) For the present, at least, I recommend no food gathering
on islands north of Borukka and Eniaetok.
(7) The fact that Rongelap [Island]* appears suitable for
resettlement now should not be lost sight of. The Rongelap people
should ask themselves what further evidence do they want, or what
steps taken, to make them feel comfortable about this. Will they
ever feel comfortable about it? [It is essential that they be
satisfied before they return.]*

*Bracketed material added to this edition is for clarification.


Select target paragraph3