This edition of the Report, which replaces that of July 22, 1988,
has been corrected for typographical errors. In addition, for purposes
of clarification, a paragraph has been added to each of pages 2, 3, 7,
23, 24, 62, 63 and 83; a sentence or phrase on pages 5, 15, 17, 27, 28,
33, 38, 40, 41, 44, 47, 65, 76, 77, 78, 79 and 92. These changes are in
brackets to identify then.
None of these changes modifies the intent or meaning of the original





In the Congressional Record of 31 Oct 88, p. E-3712, a resolution

includes the staterent that subsequent to the Reassessment Report's

issuance (22 July 88), I have significantly changed my conclusions and


I have not done so, as this edition of the Report will show.

I hope

that the minor changes and corrections I have made will clarify the text
at certain points so that it will not be misinterpreted.
The main message of the Report can be had quickly by reading the
Abstract (page 3] followed by pages 43-44. and supplemented by Note 16.
The Note has been added to this reissue to cover material relating to

the Congressional Hearings of 16 Nov 89 before the House Subcommittee

on Insular & International Affairs (Committee on Interior § Insular
Affairs}, chaired by Mr. DeLugo; and that before the House Subcommittee
on Interior & Related Agencies (Appropriations Committee), chaired by
Mr. Yates (4 May 90).


Select target paragraph3