



Certi€ied copies of records of all direct and prorated payment |

of compensation in money or other consideration for the use of

such lands from 1954 to the present;

Certified copies of the disposition of such funds that may be
held in trust for the people of Bikini and Eniwetok from the time
of their inception until the present;

Certified copies of any agreements in English and Marshallese

made between any agencies or departments of the United States Government or the Trust Territory Government relative to compensation for

pass and continuing physical injury suffered by those Marshallese
irradiated during the March 1, 1954 thermonuclear test on Bikini;



Copies of all records of either direct or pro rata payment of

any compensation for injuries as mentioned in No. 4 above and the
disposition of any funds held in trust for this purpose from inception until the present;

Copies of any agreements in English and Marshallese relating
to providing rehabilitation of the atolls of Bikini and Eniwaetok

with the intention of returning residents of said atolls to their

Copies of any agreements in English and Marshallese between or

involving any agencies, Departments or instrumentalities of the U. S.
Government, the Trust Territory Government and the people of Bikini
and Eniwetok Atolls relative to the costs of rehabilitation of said
atolls; and

Such other agreements, papers, documents, transcriptions or
interpretations of verbal agreements or understandings relative toa
all of the above.
From the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) and the Department of
Defense (DOD):

All information, including policy statements, and dates relative

to when above-ground testing ceased in the continental United States;
when it began in Pacific area; and when such testing ceased in the




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Pacific area.

Information relating to payment for use of Btkini and Eniwetok

Atolls, and paymant of compensation for those people (Marshallese,
American, and Japanese) irradiated by the March 1, 1954 test.

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