“e The people of Utirik s..swld be able to choose their o


a) The people of Utirik do not like Dr. Knudsen beceus. he does not

examine all of the Utirik people, and looks at the peovle of Utirik
as if they are merely animals in a scientific experiment, and furchher,

he does not provide a "sick call" for the peosles

b) The people of Utirilk do not like Dr. Conair! because he lies to thas
peoule, and has oct hel
‘ople to umlersbs Fob
that they confront in regards to the radiation and its efrects.

We believe Drs. Conard, Kotrady,

and Knudsen to be very capable and

conscientious physicians who are deeply committed to the health and welfare
of the people of Utirik.


the report by the Special Comittee on

Rongelap and Utirik, which was formed by the Congress of Micronesia, was
favorable with regard to the examinations.

Tn view of the above, we were

greatly surpyised to learm about the epparent displeasure om tne part of
the people of Utirik as expressed in your letter.

Oaa vossible explana-

tion for this difference in sentiment with regard to Pres. Conard and Knudsea,

as exprassed in your letter,

could possibly be a misunderstanding as to their

role gnd reasons to come to the islands.

I would like to repeat that it is

my firm conviction that the principal concern of Drs. Conard and Knudsen is
the welfare and well-being of the Utirik people.

Lt is possibie that such

a misuncarstanding could easily result from the difierence in language.
Again, I trould appeal to the Cniefs of Utirilk to impress uzon their people
the importance of the medical exeminations and the necessity to trust and
cooperate with the American physicians.

Select target paragraph3