- RG. 326 US ATOMIC COMMISSION Location, - MWERGY SNLs Collection__fo/{(322 4. F ld. older . oO / TY 7 on 2 baer iced lentil aaa er Gort 1761-777 4 TASK GROUP 132.1 JOINT TASK FORCE 132 SclENTIFIC LaaoRATORY ALAMOS Ce 8 eee Oe ee Bes 1663 t At oN Mexico 135145 ] : : ; " ae _— N REPLY FERT?: Ja J2/5 6 Ps i ~ ° ~. 2 9 > a o fe q . ¢ Mr. Price Hampson - Je al cane corporation Albuquerque, New Mexico BE gs 8 Dew Sir: ic a ME STATION 603 5 a . ->9 2 (EIT ES R349 This document Fast ts. ms wesceees pages No. fof fi . tog@ Beries A : : fc ; et BEST AY VLLSLE COPY 0 96 5 . \ June 13, 1952 : We are listing changes and additions pertaining to the locations e of your stations for Ivy: SITE M DISTANCE FROM AZIMUTH FROM ZERO (FEET COORDINATES ZERO 30,454.59 1136 9658200 > P SHOT . 111+21+26 © i F z INVENTORIED » wR 7 : rr EE 11), 318.53 145=01~29 W07700 M 606 EE 54,830.80 170~21-16 N 5h,077«00 K 3053514205 11-26-50 _-N136,737.00 M E 11)5239448 Uhm59=56 ¥387172 600 M ce 61.03 612.01 EE “ 4133 ,320.00 E96, 200 > 612.02 EE 5b5754.01 613.01 0 36,707680 617.08 618 th 5,000.00 terial contains informatj Title 18, U.g trancrigg 170~20=27 “ 111=3h-17 YReef 15,000.00 Y within th - ting tates Pspionage laws eo and 794, the in any °* ° n a = an oeOE les on K[| ft BB N13251400 anyMe ohn i , 1Si-l5-00 9,936.64 | 153-2807. Mine ete FILE Na, £131, 229.80 ' x Jamie Le Shumay TU 10 NICROFigiamaa® SEP 30 A ory Zs 4 ——/ CONTROL ty” * : a eea _ A : K CENTRA 23630 Very truly yours, . 4162 ine oF 2927s t 35 " 606 a a PREape; ee pe > am wat 4 . p ;