atmosphere, we could see the shock wave spread out with a definite

vapor ring which was sufficiently thick to hide the sunas the
Wave passed between us and the sun.

7. There was no further cbservation of the cloud and fire

although the next day we were shown pictures of the
ball rise,
The fire ball apparently developed sideways and down

with a dripping mushroom stem which did not reach the water.

As the cloud
A erystal ice skirt formed just above the stem.
moved skyward, the number of ice skirts increased until 5
The widely spread cloud seemed
distinct ice skirts were visible.

to push against a light white line which was dented upward at
the center top, We presume this was the tropopause reported at

about 60,000 feat,

This was the limit of observation of photo-

graphs that we were permitted to see, Photographs from initial
burst until cloud had formed were removed,

8, We left the Command Post and preceeded to the airfield
to greet the returning bombing aircraft, We met the screw and

heard them say "That was a good one",

They received the praise

of Air Commodore Weir for a well done delivery.

The Task Force

Commander was located in a command observation post about 14 miles
from Surface Zero. Here the officers stated that everyone was

chasm up and down and had a hard time maintaining his footing
during the blast wave.
The blast wave that hit the JOC at 23
to 27 miles distance broke practically all the quarter~-inch

paeanfaveed glass windows in the scientists! air-sonditioned buildtg, AS well as cracking the many windows that were left open.
wtiouobpiie windows in the vicinity, even though rolled un, were

weoken, Dr, William Cook, the senior scientist, indicated
: Ghe overpressure in that area was probably about one-half


per square inch.

9, “he following day, Admiral Patrick took a trip to the

amibheast point by helicopter and cbserved at a distance of & 1,2
LL EG miles from Ground Zero that timber and debris thrown up on
ne heach were burtiing with a great deal of flame,
On landine
wu on pola> about 5 miles from Point Zero birds were observec to
“ave thelz feathers burned off to the extent that they could
rat fay,
Dead fish were reported to have been washed ashore
ie vicinity of Surface Zero,
The day before the shot the
hilscds and retained them in cages at the North end where they
“ere peleased after the shot,
At about 7 miles from Ground Zero

Sheva were 3 or 4 tin houses (a recording station) with most of the
sorpmugated sides torn away.

one cross trees were

The Yagi type antennae on the end of

still standing,

10, We were taken everywhere on the Island except to the

wiivee triangulation stations and the weapon assembly building
wid area, It is worthwhile to note that the British conducted the
shet with a very austere program,

We were told that they now

rsalige that the atomic tests will go on for some time.


they are commencing now to put in a more permanent installation.
They have, for example, requested funds for asphalt covering their
road system, as well as putting up more permanent building for
However, we must say their tent clty stood up very well
under the blast which damaged several of their wood structures.

The yield of weapon tested at this time is perhaps the largest they

can expect to conduct in this immediate area without creating costly

damage to the equipment and temporary structures now existing.

Select target paragraph3