would be fired at Bikini. Furthermre, if a requirement exists for a shot

of MIKE size at Eniwetok it will require evacuation of the atoll and will
preclude the basing of the Air Task Group on Eniwetok, If this is true, we
must again use Kwajalein for the Air Task Group and steps mst be taken
immediately to insure availability of facilities for this organization at
. le General Fields was asked if one shot only of MIKE aise.‘were fired
during CASTLE, would Eniwetok or Bikini be used, He stated that were only

one shot of MIKE sise to be fired, he would have expected it to be fired at
Eniwetok, General Clarkson stated that this also was a new concept to him,

and that if this is necessary he will be required to mdity the CASTLE report






5. Dr. Graves stated that in any event it would be necessary- to have

evacuation capabilities at Eniwetok due to radiological hazard possibilities
with devices of GEORGE aise. Following IVY a great deal mre will be imowm
about the effects on Eniwetok Atoll and it may be determined that the Air
Task Group can operate from Eniwetok with a high yield nuclear device being
fired on the upper islands.
6. General Clarkson stated that so far as he knows no provisions have
ever been made for contiming support of JIF activities at Kwajalein. If a
need exists for such support from Kwajalein it should be included in the
permanent plans for that island. Mr. Tyler stated that AKC had always expected

to receive continued support from the military in the Pacific, and had ex-

pressed such opinions during earlier discussions on the use of Kwajalein as a
permanent installation,


General Clarkson stated that in view of the requirements for Operation

CASTLE as stated by General Fields in paragraph 2 of this paper, concurrent
planning should go forward within the Task Force, thereby eliminating any

delay. If planning is delayed to await action from the ABC to the DOD to
clarify the requirements for Operation CASTLE, it may become impossible to
meet the present schedule regardless of whether one or two thermonuclear
devices are £6 be fired. General Fields agreed with General Clarkson and
stated that he would undertake to clarify the requirements for CASTLE by
submitting a paper from the AEC to the DOD.

of whether one is fired on Eniwetok and one on Bikini or both on Bikini,

Cc /e/V08. W. Clarkson

Jaf KE. Melds K. E. FIELDS


Brigadier General, USA

Director of Military Application
Atomic Energy Commission


ROT oe ater mT PARR pege ao

8. It was agreed that since it appears that there will be an AKC require-

ment to test two thermonuclear very high yield devices during CASTLE, the
Joint Task Force should at once initiate action and plans to do so regardless


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Select target paragraph3