Micronesia goesit alone } 13637] 7+ s :.Bikinians paying price for. we Ft eee te 3 Mex Sta!Correspondent nuclear testing”° . Sess than half a square mile of land with’ turn, even thongh éestroction of part of * Maforo, Marshal) Islands—“One of the waddest stories fm the qorld,” a Guam mewspaper has called it. E It is the story of the people ofBikini Is-" . Who were pemowed frcen their homes @o that the United States could wee their BO lagoon. the reef had permitted sharks to enter the and the Bikinian fishermen had to encoun. Were too radioactive to be eaten safely. There were no enough eocoputs on Kili { ter the crashing waves of the ocean, In the { _Spring the surf was particularly rough: ©; two fishermen lost their lives To make fagoon and scientists warped that erabs in the early 1970's, several families, totaling about 100 persons, returned to BikiBi. It was ietended that the others would Western Pacific atoll for testing notlear | @ombs, were shunted from eve unsatisiac- { Matters worse the population expanded, f eventually tripling. ‘ - gears, finally were told that they could Trust territory government ships be. §=——_ficient Bikinians became more and more follow ence additional bousing could be Buill and adequate food supplies assured. + gan bringing ip food, and the once self-suf. Marshallese politicians began to woice sus- gor the peor peopleee allthese 30 ‘Linjan gears Blencty, Compensation to the 108 ways’; #06 PeTObeverysixmonth s Bikiniane =, Sine people art aothaps” And thereis': |: beBikinians, Me. Balos says, “are ibe ao batpyending in sightforthis sadstory. - Reeetl ora ceeee SfaNer Congress ofMi A omthe ESVee nee Gir diSectiy east of Bika ieeeda be had been trying to attract atiention toa tory resetilement site to another for aaely returo to Bikini and pow have been Thed some of the Bikinian leaders and _PICionS that Bikini might pot be safe after Te. } dependent on these supplies. oo raul nas sland tars isoning them. i. *In 1954, the United States began prov. -Sut#! Bales, Henchi Balos’s encle, a 1 Aetually, the Bikini people's history of -, i: 1946,wheo US officials decided to use fhe ato] in which their island bs situated ) for atomicbomb tests. The 187 residents ¢ qere aot coumulted on this decision, but + eas Cutlawed all atmospheric auclear Jn 1954, during the test of a 16-megaton . Ee. ‘ nee bermonoclear bomb at Bikini, the wind dn 1969, the federal agency then called “shifted, carrying clouds over Roogelap Ba eedeclared anddepositing a potentially Jethal dose of Bomb tests in Bikini ended in 1958. disturbing situation there, @ slory even a wobappy wandering begins 32 years age,' Five gears later the puclear éest-ban sadder than that of the Bikinians. _ were simply ordered to board ships and. We farce rete -Bikim * Then the United States, which had tak-> 3 ’ ‘achieved formal control through a .rn Uinited Naticcs-mandated “stratesic trus_ pesstip” proceeded to detonate bombs Tekinbantwgeateection people. a0, the island was bulldozed and debris m the island chains of the territory called ‘ Micronesia from Japan in World War 1 saie forresetilement by To prepare for the return of the Bikini. afdold coconut trees removed to reduce radioactivefallout on its 86 inhabitants. The Rongelapese were evacuated after a Sew days and taken to Kwajalein for treatmen!. Then they came to Majuro, the Tadiation Forty bomes were constructed Marshall Islands district center, for two. «800 thousands of new coconut trees were years. In 1957, the Atomic Energy Com- planted. About $3 million wasspent .. : gnission prooounced Rongelap eafe dor Many of the people were eager to See BIEINI, AS, Col. 3 BEST AVAILABLE COPY or took on mutant forms. Three oth- rn 2; landsfoBika!AtlGisappeared pasos |eam |) US DOE ARcHINEs Corntinvt SWOT” gmblunders, meanwhile,weredepo| Gasin there were shortages of both >” 396 U.8. ATOMIC ENERGY RGCUCOMMISSION. chey weretaker. to Beamp™ ICoiectton DOStbear Files isolated istand, pot part Box 13 Fob i326 g. From having been masters af 6 & Iroider Marshal! JSslavd$ pe aes earner a Tiga Dees 17 7¥ | , :