ACYAO 2et BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES, INc. UPTON, L.I. N.Y. TEL. MEDICAL AREA CODE S16 11973 REFER: YAPHANK 4-6262 DEPARTMENT January 30, 1967 REPOSITORY “Poe /WA So COLLECTION Mr. W. A. Bonnet U.S. Atomic Energy Commission P.O. Box 580 Honolulu, Hawaii Dear Mr. BOX No. 96809 FOLDER e Doe/uv ¥ a lAAX, ELDH B/iO~ MED of rhru 3 Da. COAARD “2 / 1G OF 7 ” Bonnet: We are proceeding with plans according to the schedule previously outlined. I suppose we will hear momentarily from you in regard to the firm dates. We have received clearance for Kwajalein for the entire medical team. We have also received immunization waivers. Each individual will carry with him his passport and copies of the above. I assume you will soon write orders for the group and notify me as to whether you will send them to me or have them picked up by the individuals in Hawaii. We have added one man to our team, Robert F. Smith, making a total of eight. The following list reviews the transportation for the group, in order that you can make MAC reservations and hotel reservations: Name Arrival Honolulu-Airline (|. William A. Scott Feb. 17-18} Feb. 20 Feb. 17, 1640, UAL #21 Feb. 17-18>. : Feb, 20 Feb. 17, 1640, UAL #21 Feb, 17-18 Feb. 20 jRobert A. Conard Feb. oy 1605, UAL #51 Feb. 20-21, , Feb. 23 4 Wataru W. Sutow “ Feb. 25, 1220, PA #817 Feb? 2°" Feb. 27: ~ . Bentley P. Colcock’ Feb. aa?! 1640, UAL Feb. gris Feb. 27 ae . “Austin Lowrey¥* / Feb. ? , | Feb. 17, 1640, UAL #21 Douglas Clareus Wg ae.+ Thomas Weldon . { Robert F. Smith ¥ By reb. 44” 1640, UAL #21 | Waikiki Hotel» MAC Departure a“ ?, #21 2 Feb., 24,25 2 Feb P 3 Feb. 272 i As far as hotels at Waikiki, I believe you have special rates for the Edgewater, which would be our first choice. If they are unable to put us in that hotel (last time they shoved us into a less desirable hotel) you might consider the Ali Kai or the Princess Kialani, if you have rates there. It is requested that Scott, Clareus, and myself be allotted 100 lbs. extra weight allowance for the MAC flights. x- Laeger | rv SU | belt z oY oC e| Lad ia wet ew ED Le w = . ty + Ag . if - ya WTR I AT Meek am nignt bu fern Meyer rzer, Ag /a- -~ Lewin : * fows Ee oy reer ~ erg