/ Jabs Juggs __ | BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES, INC. Upton, New York 11973 Medical Department . . 516) 345 ‘ FITS ae 3577 ~y 1 ® August 9, Ww Ad OO porson Hadley, 0D, ty ems Lowould Vike to thank you BEST COPY AVAILABLE for seains us on July 238. WaS a very voitivea meetine and trust you cid, forviard to establisnine the Schoo] of Health at tiles with beth Loma Linda toc. the School cof f£ felt ve are logkin it Medicine and Since my return from Californian, PE have hesn to Washinton to discuss our meeting with OOE officizis who zrovides funcs ror tre marshall Islands Study. Thsy, too, were nleased “to near of your interest. We still have no definite wer: as to the ultimate @xoan- ston of our activities but we care currently comnitted to scrovidina } full physical examinations (following cur rese2ren nroatocol) fer the 4090+ peonle of Liki 7 nis survey will oe done in verch, 1930. : we are in tne orocess o contracting an anivemioleric Survey ofr Likiep for November, 2s with a qrous cY consultants (Tabershay and Associates) from ![ KvVilie, fiarvlancd. with the results of the epidemiologic survey ana tho ahvsical axamination information, we Will be in a better position te Fforuulsate lone term insut into that island and others, suchas vietje and olans G jit. 7 ror our - I ai ain aalso writings i CROr. Craw Cravrord.¢t9 J ca es exelors the the nossibility nossibility of of establisninge an interface with his school and te get further information on the possibility of working with the School of Oontistry. you eaain ror ti Torvwar u lootint c botn C7 a nw are é Thank Ve