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Noverber 18, 1957

orn @ hee
Senator Clifford Case
United States Senate
Washington, D.C,

. Dear Senator Case;


I've decided to confront you.with a serious problem facing my wife
and I and 300 people with whom we are living.

I am making you the

sounding board knowing the kind of man you are and that you represent

me in the Senate,
My wife Hope and I are serving

two years in the Peace Corps.


have been assigned to the isolated island of 4i2i in the Marshall
Islands District of the Trust Territory.

If after hearing the word

Kili you don't know what my problem is, you are an exanplc of how
important it is for me to write this letter.

Plcase don't take that

wast statement as an insult; it's intention was to make the point that
there are only a handful of people that know about the people of Kili
and their distressing situation,

If you are aware of the Kili problen,

then I am further justified in choosing you to hear me out,
Looking at any map, whether of the world or Pacific Ocean, you
will probably NOT find Kili.

It is on neither such maps that we

received with our Peace Corps book collection.

We have written and

received an up-to-date picture series of Australia and the Pacific
Islands, and not only was Kili missing, the entire Trust Territory
had apparently "sunk".

One last example to show you my doubts as to

Who keoud about this problem occured Ta line Unibed States juah he Core

we left for training.

I wanted my subscription to a popular weekly

news magazine to reach me at our training site in Micronesia.


queried the mailing department as to whether or not they could and
would send my subscription of Micronesia,

In turn, I received a letter

stating that maybe I had misspelled the word or was inaccurate in some
way, because they could not find the "city Micronesia anywhere in the

United States"!!!
Assuming, as I mst, that you are nowt fully aware of this problem,

I will briefly explain the history of these people.

If my assumption








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