Mr. Wallace O. Green
Page Four
December 17, 1980

incomplete medical records, brief interviews with a limited
number of Marshallese citizens and a cuick reading, without
independent analysis, of reports prepared by the Brookhaven
We do not fault Loma Linda for not
National Laboratory.
undertaking the extensive medical, epidemiological and other
scientific testing necessary to analyze the health effects
of radiation exposure on the Marshallese people.
absent such independent testing and analysis, we cannot
accept a conclusion by Loma Linda disclaiming the existence
of radiation related health effects.
At the present time, the data necessary to determine the extent of radiation related health effects throughout the Marshall Islands simply is not available.
Government of the Marshall Islands has repeatedly requested
since May of 1979 that medical analysis, including blood
chemistries, be conducted to detect potentially radiation
related diseases throughout the Marshall Islands, and par-

ticularly in the northern atolls, other than Bikini, Enewetak,

Rongelap and Utirik.
Unlike Bikini, Enewetak, Rongelap and
Utirik, these other atolls virtually have been ignored by

previous United States investigations.
Although we have
engaged in extensive discussions with the Department of
Energy and the Department of Interior regarding the initia-

tion of such a program, and were told that the United States
was prepared to begin medical and other blood chemistry
analysis in these previously ignored northern atolls, no
such testing has been conducted.
Similarly, the United
States repeatedly has promised to provide to the Government
of the Marshall Islands access to the data accumulated by


the United States in the conduct of its Northern Marshall
Islands Radiation Survey.

However, each time the Government

of the Marshall Islands seeks to enforce that promise, as
they did at the interagency meetings at the Interior Department
in May of 1979, in August of 1980 and again on December 10,
1980, the United States has responded that the data was not
yet available, but would be forthcoming within the next few


The Government of the Marshall Islands must have

access to this data, in raw form, in order to conduct the
independent analysis which is critical to the effective and
statutorily mandated participation of the Government of the
Marshall Islands in the implementation of P.L. 96-205 and in

the conclusion of the political status negotiations.

Select target paragraph3