The United States Government obtained exclusive right

to use and occupy the land of Bikini Atoll under a 1946

agreement with the Trust Government.
After the atoll
was selected as a site for nuclear testing, its 166
inhabitants were moved in March 1946 to Rongerik Atoll,
where they remained until March 1948 when they were relocated to Kili Island.
Bikini Atoll consits of 36 islands.
The total
land area is 1920 acres.
Rongerik Atoll consists of

10 islands.

The total land area is 416 acres.


names of the islands on the two atolls and their
respective land areas are shown on the schedule at
Tab E.
The total land area of Kili Island is approxi-

mately 200 acres.

Between June 1946 and July 1958, Bikini Atoll was
the site of 23 nuclear tests.
The geographical distribution of these tests is shown on the map at Tab F
and in the following table:
Number of

Island Name











In 1956, a settlement was negotiated with the Bikini

people for the past and future use of the atoll.

A copy

of the agreement is attached at Tab G.
Full use rights
to Bikini Atoll were confirmed for the United States
Government and the Trust Government in exchange for

these rights.
Additionally, monetary compensation
in the amount of $325,000 was provided to the people.
The agreement was Signed by traditional leaders of
the Bikini people who represented that they had "full

and complete right to represent the interests of any
and all individuals who by reason of having lived on

Bikini or Kili, may now or at any future date have a claim
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