Congress of the Anited States
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Bouse of Representatives

Washington, B. €.

June 7, 1957

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The President


The Jhite House

Dear iir. President:
de, the undersigned members of Congress, respectfully and urgently

call on you to support five steps in the direction of survival in the
face of the awesome peril arising from the development of nuclear
You have repeatedly pointed cut the terrifying proportions of the
present situation. "Humanity," you said in your September 19, 1956,
breadcast, "has now achieved, for the first time in its history, the
power to end its histcry.
Humanity's history may in fact end in the space of a few hours. Three
nations have the means to enc it. an accicent could trip the mechanism
of retaliation. a limited war could spirai sut of control. ThetLoiwwa.
could coldly calculate that time is on the sice of the free world and
that it could win an all-out war even with its Lack broken by our


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de realize that these thoughts are not new to you, Mr. President. You
recognize your cuty and we recognize ours.
Je surely agree beth on the
magnitude anc the inminence of the nucleardanger. Here indeed is a
brink on which we and all the world teeter. Contemplating the abyss
need only occupy a moment. Tnen our efforts must turn toward regaining
our balance and moving to solid ground.



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Our long term goal of arriving on this solid ground safely away from
the nuclear abyss is of course a workable disarmament agreement and
we are encouraged by the vigor of your policies in this area. But
results here are too far in the future and today we do not dare rely
solely on our enemy's fear of massive retaliation. Fear of mutual
destruction is a flimsy basis for balance at the brink of the abyss.
de most earnestly ask that you place your full official and personal
weight behind the following five measures, all of which are in our
opinion likely to aid in the survival of mankind, whether or-not nuclear
war comes.

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