This report is one of the reports presenting the results of the

34 projects participating in the Military Effects Tests Program of

Operation CASTLE, which included six tast detonationa.

For readers

interested in other pertinent test information, reference is made to
WI-934, Sum
Report of the Cormander, Task Unit 13, Programs 1-9
Military aFacks NScaran. “his summary report inclades the following
information of possible goneral intorest.
ae An over-all description of each detonation, including yield,
height of burst, ground sero iccation, time of detonation,
ambient atmospheric conditions at detonation, etc., for the
six shots.
bd. Discussion of all project results.
ce A summary of oach project, including objectives and results.
d. A complete listing of all reports covering the Military
Effects Tests Programe
This report on close-in fallout studies at Operation CASTLE
supersedes tha preliminary report; ITR-916, which was issued in May

Many helpful suggestions in the planning and execution of this
project were made by Lt Colonel Richard R. Entwhistle, Chemicel Corps,
and Lt Colonel Edward A. Martell, Director, Program 2.
Many peuple have nade contributions to the work described herein;
John Kinch and Fletcher Gabbard developed the counting techniquas;
Phyllis Gordon, David Rigotti, and Malcolm Gerdon supervised the
large amount of activity and particle size work; Robert Tompkins has
contributed some of the Project <.fhb data; Capt William Home, Carl
Crisco, Robert Anderecn, Arnold Berman, Mrs. Frances Beals, Mrs. Ann

Lieder and Miss Carmen Paul have all contributed a great deal of tim
and energy to the preparation of this report.

Most of the data in Appendix C was furnished by the Task Group
Tel Radiological Safety Unit, and ic used with the permission of
Major John Servis, Commander, Task Unit 7.

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