The composite neut
capture decay curve will then be the sum
of the decay curves of tea, es, Np239, u240 | and Np240 , 1.@.,

Be = Ago (02000416270 000431t 4 o-1..77t


£ 0.006520 2O1L24t 4 0.014607 00495t y+

where A, = Activity due to capture products at time t and

Acos Proportionality constant

Aug can be determined from the ratio of neutron capture to
fission activity measurerents.

TABIE 3.1 - Initial

tive Actiyities of U“27, 9239

Np239, pitt and upeee



The Shot 1 decay curve vill then be the sum of Eqe 3.4
and Eqe 3e9. The experimentally determined ratio of uranium capture
products to fission products can then be used to find the value of

Ago if it is remembered that Ay, has already been determined.



Ay, (250)


=n 7 O88

0468 Ay(250)-% ao Aggy (Ecye™4*)


The curve was then normalized (set ecual to 1) to 400 hours, at which
time the activity data were knowne

The equation for the extrapolation of fission and neutron

induced activities to sampling time is then

A = 1350 t72+26 4 2200(0,000226e70+00431¢ (3-12)
# enbe77t 40.00652e 0 Ol 2hb Yo 01 46070 0049 5t )

This composite curve is showm in Fige Bele

The last term includes the activity of both U



and Np*


Select target paragraph3