the radiological conditions of the atolls on and around the test

sites, as well as the people who were fallout victims.

In addition,

our commitments te insure tne safe return of the Bikinians and tlic

people of Enewetak make it inperative that they and their environment
be attended to witi: the’ best tcsting equipment available.
It appears that none of the involved Departments has budgeted
adequately for chis needed and highly warranted effort in order to
meet our statutory end moral commitments to the people of this arca.
This has become incrcesingly clear throursh staff Level dialogs as
well as the recent unsuccessful effort to perform the best possibie
survey on Bikini.
To better assess the problems and to determine exactly what remains to
be done and who is responsible for funding and executing all or
various segments of future radiological surveys and monitoring, I feel
that an interagency meeting is essential. I therefore propose that kev
personnel from each Department meet at Interior on June 25 at 2:00 PH,
whereupon ERDA can set forth its proposed program along with support
If agreement on budgeting and support commitments cannot
be reached, we will at least be in a position to present the problen tc
the Office of Manarement and Budget and seek further instructions.
am asking that this meeting be coordinated by the Director of
Territorial Affairs. Staff contact can be made through Mr. Har~~ U.
Brown at 343-4736.

We believe that the United States commitment under the Trusteeship
Agreement requires a strong reaffirmation by all concerned agencies,
to work together in carrying out a comprehensive program, not only for
Bikini or Enewetak, but ail other involved the Trust Territory
which were touched by the LO-year testing program.

Sincerely yours,

@ ha de CO}
stant Secretary of

Hon. James R. Schlesinger

Secretary of Defense
Washington, D.C. 20301


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