that we believe were caused by seawater that entered
the helium release vents when the sphere wasfirst
submerged. The defects appeared to be ruptures ad-

jacent to the external closure weld. The inside of the
cladding showed corrosive attack along grain boun-

daries, sometimes penetrating to 30% of the wall
thickness, presumably caused by the seawater, but
metallography of typical specimens showed no
evidence of sodium chloride. The plutonia sphere
showed no sign of corrosion. Probably, sudden immersion of the hot FSA caused water penetration
through the vents in the cladding and the water and

the salt residue, together with the high temperature

and intense alpha and gammairradiation caused
chemical attack and disintegration of the iridium
cladding from within.
_ (George M. Matlack, Gilbert B. Nelson, and James
H. Patterson)
Heat source capsule materials were immersed in
simulated seawater at 23° for 1 to 3 yr, then examined for corrosion of the surfaces and of boundaries

between dissimilar metals. The materials tested

were molybdenum, T-111 alloy, Pt-20Rh, and Ta-

10W. Molybdenum sheet, after immersion for 1 yr
showedno corrosion other than deposition of crystals
containing elements present in seawaterand a slight
increase of the molybdenum concentration in the

water. Couples formed of T-111, Pt-20Rh, and Ta10W showed nogross corrosion after 3 yr of immer-

sion, and none of the elements was found in the

water. There were very thin layers of a dark

amorphoussubstanceat the contact boundaries, and
in all instances these layers were composed chiefly of
manganese, also presentin the seawater. These capsule construction materials seem to remain uncorroded for up to 3 yr of immersion in seawater.







(George M. Matlack)

were immersed for over 2 yr in simulated seawater.
One sample from a Hastelloy-N clad fuel rod was
immersed for 20 months, and a similar sample, ex-

cept that it was from an unclad rod, was immersed

for 25 months. Neither underwentanyvisible change
in the luster of its cut surface; fine burrs and saw

marks were unchanged. The radioactivity in the
water became twice normal background within a

week after sample immersion and did not increase

thereafter. The activity was mainly !°’Cs, with a
minorfraction of ©°Co activity from the clad sample.
The excellent stability of this fuel in seawater was
also confirmed by ocean exposure tests conducted at
San Clemente Island by the Naval Undersea Center.

1. W. W. Weir, Soil Science (J. B. Lippincott Co.,

Chicago, 1949), p. 132.

2. D. Rohr, LASL, private communication.
3. M. W. Nathans, LFE Environmental, Richmond,
CA, private communication.


J. H. Patterson, G. B. Nelson, and G. M.







Environmental and Biological Systems,’’ Los

AlamosScientific Laboratory report LA-5624 (1974).

5. O. G. Raabe, G. M. Kanapilly, and H.A. Boyd,

“Studies of the In Vitro Solubility of Respirable Particles of 2°8Pu and 78°Pu Oxides and an Accidentally
Released Aerosol Containing 78°Pu,” in “Lovelace
Foundation for Medical Education and Research,

Inhalation Toxicology Research Institute Annual
Report” LF-46 (1973), pp. 24-30.
6. B. O. Stuart, “Comparative Distribution of “°8Pu
and “9Py in Rats Following Inhalation of


Oxide,” Battelle Northwest Laboratories report
BNWL-1050 (1979), pp. 3.19-3.20.
7. J. Hudson, “Analysis of Microsphere Debris,” in
“Sandia Laboratory Quarterly Report, Aerospace
Nuclear Safety Program, April 1, 1968,” report SCPR-68-451, pp. 34-36.

Two irradiated, enriched uranium SNAP fuel

samples, each a 6-mm-thick section of ZrH-10 U
(93° enriched 2351), cut from a full-size fuel rod,


Select target paragraph3