o ot od > x ane Nyon” Yas studied oy Anderson of o.1.7., who made observ: tions on the Bikini corn. Controls have heen studied ccrefully with 250 k.v. x-reys and with water boiler neuats. at Los Alemos. Tradescantia: Inflorescence will be placed st close stations and plants at far stations. Dr. Conger of Oak Ridge will be in charge of this study. smears of the pollen will be made at 21 hours and four days after exposure (the two clessical times of study) and some of the Scoring of the chromosome breaks will be made at Jantan. This tyne of study is of perticular importence in the stidy of neutrons as the increase in breaks is not (?) linear in the case of gemma rays when the dose exceeds 250 roentgens. I oresume that the neutron studies with fission, pile and cyclotron neitrons such as have been resorted in the literature are being continued. “he tradescantia will be nlaced in the hemispherical Stations where they will receive an estimated 10° +6 1019 than 30 gamma neuts (largely fast) and not more roentgens. They will also be placed in the cylindrical stations where they will be exposed meinly to ganze rays. Mouse spleen-thymus weight decrease: an excellent end novel idea, This is but it is the least well exnlored of the biological tests (excent for the inhaletion). Carter at Los Alamos has Studied this nroblem thoroughly with neuts. and photons of different energies end has colibrated the weight decrease in these lymphoid tissues DO¥ ARCHIVES