bong tern effects in survivors:
tumor incidence and


The Life spen,

induction will


stidiied in surviving nice exposed both to neutrons
end gamna reys.

These animels will be sent by

air to Furth at Osx Ridge f-r observation.

Gamma rey survivors:

There will be about

200 enimals at 2ach of the 29 ganca


Stations earner’ed for long term survival


Following the shot, they will

be nooled in grouns of four (covering a
dose range of 100 roentgens).

Not more

then 4200 animals will be returned to the

“hey will be accompanied by controls

(? how many) which vill be given eauivalent
doses of 750 k.v. x-rays (for each individual
Zroun, not the pooled groups of four)
according to the mouse dosimetry messurements (My own orinion is that since mouse
dosimetry is : rather new tool for calibretion of rediation they should also have
control aninals given doses bused on the
chysical measurements of what the animels

“his would alley possible

controversy in the future ©«3 to the signif-icence of the results.)
life span,

The difference in

tumor incidence and cateract

develonoment betvreen the animals exnosed in
the field and those ziven esauivalent deses

of ?50 k.v. x-reys wil’ be studied.


200 non-irreldisted controls will ac Tomnany
the exnosed animels.

The statisticians

felt that no nore were necessary since the

in lonz tern esftects hetuasny


Select target paragraph3