Multiple Addressees


Oct 31 1977

The documentation we have chosen to furnish the Commander Joint
Task Group at Enewetak is the following statement in the message
requesting access to the atoll:

"The individual(s) listed above is fit for isolated

duty at Enewetak and has met the medical requirements as described in Annex D, Appendix 3, of FCDNA
OPLAN 600-77."
In order to document our files, we would like a similar statement
from you regarding each employee who has been or who is echeduled
to be assigned to Enewetak in the future. I+ will not be necessary
to furnish supporting documentation for this statement; however,
such documentation should be available if required.

Information and guidance to assist travelers will be issued in the

near future.


hake a

Roger Ray, Assistant Manager
for Environment & Safety

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