
United States Department of the Interior

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WASHINGTON, D.C. 20240 ,

Miss Darlene Keju


Ebeye, Marshall Islands

6 4978

Dear Miss Keju:

The Office for Civil Rights, Department of Health, Education and Welfare,
Regional Office, San Francisco, forwarded your letter of July 12, 1979,

to this Office since, as you know, the Department of the Interior has
administrative responsibility for the Trust Territory of the Pacific
Since many of the points you raise deal with matters that have been

handled by the Department of Energy or its predecessor agencies, I have

sent a copy of your letter to that Department for comment.

I do wish to assure you that this Department is very cognizant of its
responsibilities with respect to the residents of the Marshalls whose
lives in some way or other were affected by the atomic testing program.
The Department of Energy is equally concerned.
In May of this year at an Interagency meeting here in Washington which was
convened at the request of the Marshall Islands Political Status Delegation,
a far-reaching discussion on radiological problems in the Marshalls took

One result of that meeting was the agreement that a medical survey
of the people of certain of the Northern Marshalls would be carried out.
Currently, in collaboration with the Department of Energy, we are dealing

with President Kabua on arrangements for such a survey.
It is my underStanding that this survey will be done by an independent group of



We all realize the depth of feeling of the people of the Marshalls whose
lives have been affected by the testing program. As you know, Under
Secretary James A. Joseph, Deputy Under Secretary Wallace 0. Green, and
our Director, Mrs. Ruth. Van Cleve, visited the Marshalls last summer and

traveled to Kili Island and Bikini Island to meet with the people there.
Time did not permit them to visit Rongelap and Utirik but they had an
opportunity to meet and talk with representatives from these islands at

Majuro and at Ebeye.

cc: \dr. Bruce Wachholz

gummy 9911801








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