(co) Air routes through Wake and Kwajalein:


(a) Sarface routing inside 500 miles cons{-



(2) High altitude sampling operations - favor.

(2) Light transniszsion ‘for seientific experiments -


tatiana iain ial biel ee

dered in its relation to at known transient shivpving: favor-




6. eeowstoss:

Tack of faliloet information from previous shots


ef ecomperabdie yield was @ serious handicep.




The original source cannot be considered as a

poist or a relatively sont) erea but must be considered to be

buséred riies in dianeter.

This dieneter

€. Toe ratiosctirity of the debris can ds considered
propoctionsi to yield. Zadfoactive material in the
clocd wes thus two to tires tices was was expected. —



An appreciable fraction of the observed fallout

approximtety 20 degrees in significant urper levels; untortonntely, the weriescion wes ic the wrongs cirection (See Figure


The saahl reriations observed at lower levels were also

im an coteroretle direction. Nevertoeless, the accuracy of
the cinds slot. forecast aprroached the lirits of accuracy of

the wind observations themselves end were well within the nor-

weal forecest error.

g The fallout pettern extended fron the Bikini
atall to the eest northeast. Considerable widening of the
pattern toak piace due to diffusion. The
intensity of the




f. Forecast for shot tice winds at shot times was
essentielly cortect. Variation from forecest trajectories was

wee ie eerTen

een only be accounted for by agsuming thet it orisinated in .
the stratosphere. For such particles to reach the ground at
observed tines, sheir diesster must heave been in excess of 100

Peery ere



Select target paragraph3