SUMMARY OF OPERA..4NS ON CONTRACT NO. W-28-0,4-eng-33 FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 194700.u R aad On July 1, most of the Applied Fisheries staff departed from the University of. Washington for Bikini, leaving only three members, Le The basic program of the Applied Fisheties Laboratory, namely, measuring the effect of exposure of aquatic organisms in various __OPENNET ENTRY stages of development to X-rays, continued. oiiaee Release 4|ujes Prater Date *Sections I and Ii. 5% Not Authonzed for Public Release By: Date: A report entitled, "Preliminary report concerning X-ray effects upon chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tschawytscha Walbaum) observed through more than one generation", was completed at the end of the month and on August 1, 1947 was submitted to Cole Wm. De Fleming, Chief, Medical Division, United States Atomic Energy Commission, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Copies were submitted to Col. F. F. Clarke, Area Engineer, | Hanford Engineer Works, Richland, Washington, and Dr. Stafford Le Warren, Chairman, Interim Medical Committee, United States Atomic Energy Commissior Section xX. The original report submitted October 29, 1946 was revised under the title, “The effect of X-ray on mortality, weight, length, and counts of erythrocytes and hematopoietic cells in fingerling chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha Walbaum", and on July 18, was submitted to the Area Engineer, for clearance. Publication is contemplated in the periodical, Growth. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY DECLASSIFICATION REVIEW SINGLE REVIEW AUTHORIZEDBY: DETERMINATION fcincue WUMBER(SH REVIEWER (ADD): //-2 > 7 Section ZXI-b. NAME: |oate: 3 Z L749 - CLASSIFICATION cHanete D-CONTAINS NO DOE CLASSIFIED TO StASsircatio ATION CA EED nCaN CLASSIFIED INFO BRACKETED 7. OTHER (SPECIFY): The second generation offspring of the adult fish X-rayed and *Section numbers refer to the Project Chronology Chart, revised January 9, 1947. ee eee cree wee RsTE Dos ARCHIVES