(Tis assumes the 9x activity is ‘always about 1.5 times the Cs
activity which is consistent with the soil analyses in general.)


would thus expect free air peta exposures to average ~ 200 pR/h or
more in the interior of Engebi and 100 wR/h in the village areas.
Assuming (based on O'Brien's estimates) the skin dose to be ~ 1fe
of the free air exposure and the testes dose to be ~1% of the free
air exposure we would expect at most additional contributions to the

gonadal dose from beta rays of ~ 10 mrad/yr.

Beta doses are thus

insignificant compared to gamma.doses when considering gonadal or
bone doses.

Note, however, the high free air beta exposure rates may

have influenced some of the field TLD results, thus adding to the

conservatism assumed in our models.

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Select target paragraph3