Draft-For Discussion Purposes Only

BECK: jgg



Preliminary Estimates for Dose to Eniwetok Population
from External Exposure


Table I gives the age and sex breakdown of the 432 people expected
to return to Eniwetok based on Tobin’ s census.

Note that almost

(/5sre-under-19years ofnoe.

Table II gives suggested models for living patterns based on Tobin's
report and the announceddesires of the Eniwetok people to utilize
the entire atoll.

Case Tb differs from case Ia in that more time

is allotted to temporarilyresiding on islands other than Engebi

(JANET) while less time is spent in the Engebi village area.


Ib probably represents an upper ‘limit exposure with regards to any
large group of people.

Case IV is typical of the least exposed


Table III gives the dose rates used for the present calculation.

‘These are based on the TLD data (LiF, primarily) using the E.G. and G.¥
data mainly_as an indication ofwhether the TLDdata are representative:
Roemeralee Rwtem

we A eters >

RettTB ogy AI ee eae Ae

for,larger. areas. While the exposure rates on all ‘the northern islands

have a wide range, the values given in Table III are thoughtto be

eee 162Matchcientiyea

consistent with our evaluation of the

validity of the various dose rate measurements made.

They do not

represent the highest exposures found in each of the locales.


fact, many of the northern islands interiors had exposure rates in

some places of several hundred yR/h.

Considering the wide range


from island to island and the variation across a given island from ©

Select target paragraph3