
we ante onecenbsceee

3.5 cosmic includes ~ 0.2 from natural and water immersion.


near beach areas and lower dose areas q > 305 em so reduction due

to plowing is smaller.

However, initial dose in these situations

is small to begin with, i.e., 3-5 om relaxation lengths @w factor
of 3 reduction factor are for higher dose areas and thus are



outer island dose rate is average for all locales (beach, lagoon,

perimeter, interior) andthus 100 yR/h values should be very
conservative even for hotter islands.

Alternative would be to

further assign fractions of times and people to various locales
on specific islands and to various outer islands, an exercise of

dubious value.




calculated doses are free air exposures - uncorrected for body or
structure shielding.
values in Table III for fraction of dose due to Co-60 are probably

too low.

Thus, ‘doses in Table IV are overestimates from this stand-~

point (Cases Ia and Ib particularly).

Additional calculations

indicate using more realistic Co-60 fractions would lower doses in

Table IV about 15%.






Select target paragraph3