-2The value for bone fer individuals was 1.5 Ren/yr,

The standards contain the

recomendation that «hole body ezpesures of the population be limited to 5 Rem

in 30 years exclusiv: of medical and nstural background exposures.
came standards are »till in effeet today.




Sinee a radiolocical follovup program vould be instituted and the exposures

of individuals vould be known, standards fer residents of Bikini Atoll! would be

those applicable to individuals, namely, 0.5 Rem/yr whole body and 1.5 Rem/yr to
3. Results of the 1967 and carlier surveys indicated there would be two primary

routes of exposure of atoll residents, exposure to external radiation and intake
of radionuclides in terrestrial food, and two radionuclides, Cesium-137 and Strontius-90, would contribute the major pertion of total radiation dose:
a. External radiation dose for Bikini Island residents would be about
3 to 4 Rads/30 yrs to sthole body and bone depending upon age distribution
of residents and time spent in various island locations, and about 1.3
Rad/30 yrs for [neu Island.
(For these dose estimates units of Rem and

Rad are the saze.) These external exposures for both islands would be
‘ within the annuzl and 30 year whole body standards. Cesium-137 would contribute alout 70% of these external exposure@ and has a half life of about
30 years.

Therefore, external radiation levels on Bikini and Eneu would

be reduced by one half every 30 years through radioactive decay.

Adding internal dose through the food chain to the external dose to dee

velop the total dose, but leaving three items- out of. the diet having the


highest levels of radioactivity should they be grown on Bikini Island, in-

dicated that coses for Bikini Island residents would be about 1.5 Rads to

whole body in 5 years, 6 Rads to hole bedy and 9 Rads to bone in 30 years,
and 10 Reds to whole body and 16 Rads to bone in 70 years. Total doses on

Enes Island would be less then one half of these values. These estimates
. *“ 4ndicated that tetai whole body dose for Bikini residents may somewhat ecxceed the 30 year standard even with eertein items left out of the diet.

The corresponding cose on Eneu would be well within the 30 year standard.

_Plutonius-239 was pot expected to be a significant contributor to total dose.

In forming a judzenent, predicted radiation exposures limited by dictary restric

tions and exceeding the standards by some small amount, were viewed against the

benefits to be derived by the Bikini people in returning to their homeland.


fafeguard built into the adyiec on resettiescnt was the recommendation for radio-

Jegical followup and the expectation that 4f the radiation exposure picture was
not as predicted, or recoznended precsutions were not effective, this would be
known and adcitjonal recommendations for linitdng exposures could be made.
In discussions with TIPI effieials on housing locations, representatives

of the Bikini people insisted that sinee ali Uikingans had land rights on Bikini

Island but not on Yeu Istand, housine must be eomstructed on Bikini.

It was |

poinicd ovt that recommendations on resettienent did not prohibit living on hikind.
Kousing sas constructed on Bikini Jsland during the 1971-72 time period,

Resurveys of the Bikini Atol) ehyironnent incbuding foods, svil, and ground

water were conducted during 1969, 1970 ond 1972. Annual collections of urihe
touples for radicanalysig began in 1970 with tose who were working on agricul

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Select target paragraph3