Duncan Curry, J=3


September 21, 1954

T. Lo Shipman, M. D., Health Division Leader

I have gone over with considerable care the proposed layout for an infirmary

building to be located at Site Nan. In my opinion this presents a number of
glaring deficiencies. I would like to bring to your attention, therefore,
the following points:
1. In each of the alternate proposals is a space designated as "soak
area."" In each case this area is nothing more than an alcove bulging out

from the main corridor of the building. If one wants a soak area, this is
not a very good arrangement. I question, however, the necessity for such
an area. Extensive soaking of hands and feet went out of style 15 years
ago when penicillin came in. Such soaking as must be done can and probably
should be done in the dispensary area.

2. I question the need for a "dispensary" and a "surgery." With the
small amount of surgery which will be done, I feel that these two rooms
should be combined into one which would be larger than either of the rooms
as now shown but which could be considerably smaller than the sum of the two.
3. The dispensary should properly be located adjacent to the doctor's
office as shown in Scheme 3. The X=ray roam should probably be located on
the other side of but still adjacent to the dispensary. A seriously injured man brought in on a stretcher will more often than not be carried to
the X-ray room first of all and then to the surgery, Doors should be
arranged, therefore, so that a stretcher could be carried either into the
dispensary or the X-ray room presumably through a communicating door.

4. The storage space, in my opinion, is inadequate. Furthermore,
there is absolutely no provision made for doing any sort of laboratory work._
There should be space where there can be at least a microscope, an alcohol
lamp or hot plate, and a sink.
5. An instrument sterilizer for boiling up instruments, syringes,
needles, etc., would presumably be in the dispensary. There should also be
& small autoclave situated somewhere so that the heat and steam it gives
off. will not be a muisance,


Regular meals presumably will be carried from the mess hall.

There should be, in my opinion, some provision for keeping cold drinks,
preparing coffee and other light snacks, ard washing dishes and other



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