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The order of listing is the same as that used in

in the #°Po concentration with consumption of

‘The concentrations are based upon fresh weight
for the soft tissue and defat weight for the rib
samples. ‘The uncertainties shownare for a one

and, as he dicd on December 19, had included
caribott meat in his diet for 3-4 monthspriorto

Table 1; lower to higher caribou consumption.

standard deviation counting error.
‘The values observed in the samples from the
Alaskan subjects, #1 and #2, who had caten no
caribou meat are within the nermal range of

valuesreportedfor unexposed populations, (8292)

Vhe lower lung and rib levels reported for #1

are probably due to her young age, 6 yr. Hence,

if these two sets of tissues may be assumed

typical, then the "Ph !’Po body broaden
of an Alaskan whose dict does not inefude

caribou or remdeer meat is similar to Giat of

individuals residing in the conterminous United
The 7Pb and 7!’Po tissue concentrations of

#3, who ate caribou meat while m

Barrow but none during the last 3 yr while

living in Anchorage, are somewhat less but not

significantly different from those of unexposed

USS. residents.@! 2) As Ilitn has reported high
40Pl) levels in 3 human bone samples from
northern Canada," and considering the 2400day half-life of “°Pb in the skeleton,“ it was
somewhat surprising, if the dietary information Is
correct, that the bone ievel im this case Is not

higher than that observed. Subjects #+ and #5,
who occasionally included caribou meat in their
diet, contained significantly higher concentrations of 7!°Po in the kidney and liver samples
and possibly in the testes of the fatter. The
concentration of Phin the rib sample of #5
is high with respect to the other rib samples

caribou or reindeer meat.
Subject #7 ate caribou regularly in winter,

death, Subject #6 included caribou meat in her

dict a few times each month, while #8 ate

reindcer regularly until 3 months prior to his
death, during which time he had eaten none.
It is quite interesting that although these three
subjects had clevated #!°Po soft tissue levels,
their 2"Pb bone concentrations do not show a
proportional increase, and fall within the range
reported by HorrzMaAn for concentrations
observed in human bone samples ofresidents of

the conterminous United States.2” It has been

reported that although caribou bones, liver and
kidney contain high concentrations of *!¢Pb,“
the concentration in the meatis low, 5-16 pCi/
kg,'® and not much different from that observed

for beef in the conterminous United States.

Consequently, unless the subject had consumed
an extract of the cartbou bone or a soft tissue
which concentrates #1°Pb, as liver or kidney, the
*0Pb skeletal burden would probably not be
expected to be muchhigher than for individuals
who consumed no caribou meat.
The *!°Po/*!Pb activity ratio exceeds one and
is generally much greater in soft tissues of the
subjects who ate caribou or reimdeer meat.
Sunilar results were recently reported by
KaurRAneN and Muirrtinen for reindeer breeders

living in Lapland.@ These high activity ratios

measured: however, it cloes fall within the
concentration range reported by HourzMan for

are especially significant in the case of the lung
for which activity ratios of less than one are
usually observed.@” Since the ground-level air
concentration of 7!°Pb is about 10 times greater
than #!0Po,'° these results suggest exposure by
a route other than inhalation and by a source
containing Po in excess of 7Pb,. These
observations support the conclusion that caribou

#i/7 and 48 were about 4, 14 and 18 times,

for this population.
Whenlarge quantities of 2!°Pb are ingested,it
is concentrated in the skeleton with an effective

an unexposed population.@”
The results showed significantly higherlevels
of 720Po in the soft tissues of subjects considered
to be caribou or reindecr meat eaters. Vhe
concentration of Po in tissucs of subjects #6,

respectively, the values reported for tissues of
an unexposed population.'87920) Smoking data

or reindeer meatis the principal source of 21°Po

half-life of about 2400 days.@) During this

time, the *#°Po grows into near radioactive
their 7*Po lung concentrations are significantly equilibrium with the ?!9Pb and serves as a
higher than observed even in the lung of reservoir for other body compartments.'?
cigarette smokers." "The results in ‘Table 2 ‘That is, sorePo is translocated from the
also show, except for bone, a general increase skeleton to other body tissues which sustains the
are not available for these Alaskans; however,

Select target paragraph3