263 Fw Original Contributions iy 29963 THE JOUANAL of the American Medical Association March 19, 1382 AQ 180.5 Vol 247, No. 11 Thyroid Hypofunction After Exposure to Fallout From a Hydrogen Bomb Explosion P. Reed Larsen, MD; Robert A. Conard, MD; Knud D. Knudsen, MD; Jacob Robbins, MD; Jan Wolff, MD, PhD; J. Edward Rall, MD; John T. Nicoloff, MD; Brown M. Dobyns, MD ® Thyroid function was evajuated in the Marshaliese who were accidental ly exposed to fallout-containing radiciodine isotapes in 1954. Measuraments of thyrotrophin (TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone) levels and free thyroxine (T,) index (FT,!) have revealed that, among 86 persons exposed on Rongelap and Ailingnae atolis, 14 have shown evidence of thyroid hypofunction. This these were the only two persons so of these showed clinical evidence of hypothyroidism. The most marked TSH elevations were noted in nine persons exposed whan youngar than 6 years, with estimated dosasto the thyroid fram 390 to 2,100 rad. Most of this group subsequently had surgery for removal of thyroid nodules. The remaining five cases hava been noted more recently among 36 surviving adults exposed at an older age who showed no other detectable thyroid abnormalities. This group had received estimated thyroid doses ranging from 135 to 335 rad and showed modast elevation of serum TSH levels (6 to 9 pU/mL) and a slightly subnormal FT,!. No abnormalities were found in persons on Utirik who received substantially less radiation, and hypothyroidism was presant in less than 1% of the control, unexposed Marshallese. The high prevalence of a thyroid hypofunction in these persons indicates that this condition, as well as thyroid nodularity, can be a delayed camplication of exposure to early fallout from a nuclear explosion. The fact that a significant fraction of the radiation report summarizes the results of these studies, which indicate that, in - was first noted in someindividuals about ten years after exposure. Only two to the thyroid was from short-lived radioiodine tsotopes (Il,i, *"l), as opposed to ""'l, may account for the severity of the thyroid damage. affected." With current laboratory techniques, it has been possible, both retrospectively and prospectively, to evaluate others of the exposed group for thyroid dysfunction.” The present addition to neoplasia, hypothyroidism is a complication that has occurred in a Significant fraction of this population. METHODS Several types of thyroid function testing were performed during the annual or ’ semiannual tienda Mt BD GL late Bikini Atoll in 1954 have been summarized previously.” Because radioactive isotopes of iodine were present in the fallout, a careful survey of ‘these ing the accidental exposure of 250 Marshallese people to fallout after the detonation of an approximately 15-megaton thermonuclear device at persons for potential thyroid abnor- malities has been performed on a regular basis since that time. Thyroidal complications were first recog- From the Howard Hughea Medica! Institute Laboratory, Department of Madicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Baston (Or Larsen); Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY (Drs Conard and Knudsen); the nized about ten years after exposure, when both primary hypothyroidism and thyroid nodules were discovered.’ Benign and malignant thyroid tumors are an expected complication of thyroid radiation, particularly in young people.“ Obvious clinical hypothyroidism was detected in two of the National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism, and Digestive Diseases, Bethesda, Md (Ora Robbins, Wolff, and Hall); the Division of Endocrinology, Department of Medicina, University of Southam California, Los Angeles {Or Nicolot{); and the Ve ed gyie Department of Surgery, Case-Western Reserve JU eoGS Hy children about ten years after expo- ‘ sure, and it was thoughtinitially that JAMA, March 19, 1982—Vol 247, No. 11 ” Brookhaven these tests have been of a prospective nature, and a limited number were retrospective. Retrospective Analyses THE CIRCUMSTANCES surround- 02115 (Or Larsen). of the team to the Marshall Islands. Most of (JAMA 1982;247:157 1-1575) University, Claveland (Or Dobyns). Reprint requasts to the Thyroid Diagnostic Center, Departmant of Madicins, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 75 Francis S!, Boston, MA visits National Laboratory (Upton, NY) medical ’ Fortunately, some unused samples of plasma obtained for thyroxine (T.) measurements as long ago as 1963 had been preserved in a frozen state at Brookhaven National Laboratory. These samples were analyzed using the following tests: plasma T., thyroxine-binding globulin index. (TBGI, a normalized triiodothyronine [T,] charcoal uptake), and plasma thyrotrophin (TSH, thyroid-stimulating hor- mone).'""" While the stability of TSH under these circumstances is not known, one sample from 1963 had a TSH concentration of 500 .U/mL, suggesting that such Measurements are reasonable. The free thyroxine index (FTI) was the product of the T, and TBGI. The normal ranges for these determinations in the US population are as follows: plasma T., 5 to 10.2 yg of T, per deciliter, TBGI, 0.85 to 1.10 units; PT.L 4.7 to 9.7 units; and plasma TSH,less than Hypothyroidism and Fallout Exposure—Larsen et al 1571