-Shomes estimated between 630 to 700, and property damage about £52,000,000,
The damaged residences were almost all single family units.

Many were liter-

ally demolished, others lost all or part of their leeward walls, Windward

Walls which remained standing were in many instances badly scarred by debris,
iseward walls were stuccosd with mud.

Some of the damage observed confirms mich that has been learned from
bombed areas: a) the usual wooden-frame dwelling is inadequately anchored to

its foundatSon; b) the valle of this same type structure arenot tied to-

gether ox to thea frame. This is evident from the numearcus cases where the
atmospheric pressure within the structure pushed out a wall when the presswe

on the leeward side of the structure fell below atmospherics

co) the safe

Place for personne] in a ternado - as in a bombing incident ~ was the cellar,
In frequent instances the first floor remained intact. when the upper portion

of the structure was either severely dmmged or actually carried stay) ad) few

of the load-bearing bricewall buildings which make up the majority of the

structures in the older portions of cur cities were in the path of the storm
Those which were exposed - Assumption Colleges being the foremost example fared badly; e) the steel frame of the shop of the Norton Company which was
exposed did escape damage. The glass and corrugated asbestos siding on the
most exposed corner shattered without dangerously loading the frame, The metal
roofing was inadequately anchored to the purlins and a large area - perhaps
acres ~ was stripped off and spread over the adjacent leeward area,

encompassed in regulations
for the shiguant of radioactive meveriais have led to a
Bal to establish

uniform standaris an procedures for use of the Operations



ingly, the preparation of an AEC Handbook on the transportation of radioactive

materials has been plamed in cooperation with the Division of Construction
and Supply. A committee meeting of Washington and Operations Offices rerepresentatives was held during May and Aine to discuss contents of the proposed Handbook, and also to draft recommendations for possible changes in
Interstate Commerce Commission regulations, Consultation ig available on
this subject from the Burem of Explosives of the Association of American

» Interim meetings will be contimed in July leading to final

draft of the preposed Handbook.

1bI A A+2





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