At Rongerik, 135 nmi (250 km) east of Bikini, 25 men of the 6th
Weather Squadron operated a weather observatory for the Weather Reporting

Element, Test Support Unit, TG 7.4, and 3 men from the 9710th TSU operated
an ionospheric sounder for Project 6.6, TU 13, TG 1.

Health and Safety Laboratory (HASL) of the AEC, New York Operations
Office, who was concerned with recording offsite fallout.

The device was


had warned the Rongerik personnel to contact him if the meter reading went



calibrated to record the low levels of radiation expected at offsite




A fallout-recording device had been left by a representative of the

Its maximum reading was 100 mR/hr and the HASL representative

"“off-scale" (i.e., if the radiation exceeded the measuring capacity of the

Such a message was sent at 1515, was received at the AAC Center


at Enewetak at 1543, and delivered to the Army Communications Center at ~
Enewetak at 1547 for retransmittal to Hq JTF 7.

Records do not show if

this message was retransmitted or not but, at any rate, the command levels
were unaware of the extent of the fallout at Rongerik (CPT #10).

The personnel at Rongerik continued normal activities during the
remainder of the day.

Most changed from the usual tropical short sleeves

and shorts to long sleeves and long pants.

The fallout material gathered

to a depth of 1/4 to 1/2 inch (0.6 to 1.2 cm) deep in, places and left a
Visible layer on tables in the ness hal] and barracks (CPO 7.1.U13#938).




Select target paragraph3