Project 13.1 - MEASUREMENT OF ALPHA - H. Grier
J. Malik

The measurement of the mitiplication rate on alpha of the
made by EG&G (Ward) from Runit, station 1310.

Within the range of


An array of four detectors, one photamltiplier and three photocell
detectors, each driving the three scope combination of EG&G 3343, K-1421, and

K-14,09, all utilizing a common 270 Mc/s Rossi display.

All detectors were

located at the predicted ground zero; the actual ground zero was 190 feet
southwest of the detectors and burst altitude was 680 feet,

No collimation was

used on this shot.
Data were obtained on only 7 of the 12 indicators; a large amount of hash
of unexplained origin made records hard or impossible to read.

The photo~

multiplier gave good data on the EG&G 3343, however, and the high level photocell data were generally good,

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