AUG 24 1924 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES BERKELEY = DAVIS + IRVINE + LOS ANGELES + RIVERSIDE - SAN DIEGO « £70. SAN FRANCISCO 4 an ? 3 Klaus M. Lewin, M.D. Joseph M. Mirra, M.D. ASSN oH 3 Gaels Stes” aN Walter F. Coulson, M.D., Chief Sunita Bhuta, M.D. t Ae ear ey SANTA BARBABA - SANTA CRUZ ACRE 4 bh DIVISION OF SURGICAL PATHOLOGY UCLA CENTER FOR THE HEALTH SCIENCES LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90024 Donald E. Paglia, M.D. Dorothy L. Rosenthal, M.D. Jerry Waisman, M.D. William L. Wolfson, M.D. August 21, 198] Eugene P. Cronkite, M.D. Medical Department Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, L.I., NY 11973 repository —LcoakLiverLaxLAB tcbs? Lithia COLLECTION llph AN BOX No. ff FOLDER i Ce ‘ff CLPONK: F,iG@5 an fr LZZols “t, LAio &. Dear Eugene: Now that nearly everyone on the Thyroid Review Committee has responded, we are about ready to bed down the Marshalls report. A little more telephone time with Bob Conard and Margaret Dienes should provide the final proofings and polishes before publication. I'm satisfied that the total report will be an accurate and balanced reflection of what was done and how it was done. What it all means is another matter, but I suspect that that will be the subject of considerable future scrutiny by all sorts of interested parties. I enclose copies of two notes recently received in response to redrafting of the histopathology section. I hope they're as gratifying to you as they were to me. They're also instructive: First of all, I learned that Dave Reid is a gentleman capable of admitting error, clearly an attribute that adds to ones stature. But, as I also told him, these never seemed to me issues of right vs. wrong, but more matters of proper scientific procedure and presentation -- fundamentals that you and Vic taught me as a pup. None of it really involved sophisticated pathologic interpretations as much as defining with precision the protocols followed and results produced. Basic stuff. Over the past few years, that position rarely seemed to be recognized whenever the possibility of a pathology review was suggested. Certain individuals I spoke to directly appreciated it, but the lack of enthusiasm on the part of most others was underwhelming, to say the least. I was particularly impressed with the adamance of past opposition as I recently thumbed through some of the correspondence on this subject that has accumulated in my file over the past couple of years. And the antagonistic response of the Thyroid Advisory Panel at NIH the year before will long remain distressingly vivid.