Aaa ed


August 7, 1967

W. J. Matoli, M.D.

Honolulu, Haveli 96813

eas 8 Oar!th Ei



Dear Bill:

Greetings from the Meinland.

I've been asked by Dr. Shipman, who {s currently on the list of the

unwell here at the Laboratory, to contact you and ascertain if the same informal medical arrangements of last year between the LASL and the Straub Clinic
might be continued this fall. As you may know, the Laboratory will again have
approximately fifty employees in the Hawaii area for about two months begining

August 20, 1967.

From the Laboratory's viewpoint, the informal arrangements of last year
were most satisfactory. Hopefully the Straub Clinie personnel feel the same.
If it is agreed that the same arrangements can be continued this fall,

Messrs. Armand Kelly and John Cole, whom I believe you know, will be the
individuals responsible for the administrative functions for the Laboratory in
Hawaii. I have asked Mr. Kelly to contact you, or whomever you believe to be
the appropriate individual, wpon his arrival in Hawaii the week of August 21,
1967 to assure that any information you believe necessary is furnished; i.e.,
lists of the Laboratory people involved and their medical insurance coverages,
etc. Most of our people have elected group hospitalization and medical coverage
under either the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States or New
Mexico Blue Cross so there should be no financial problems associated with any

personal injuries or illnesses.

The Laboratory's Workmen*s Compensation soverage is handled by RoyalGlobe and questions or cases arising in the Workmen's Compensation ares in the
past have been handled locally by Mr. Lincoln Loo, Alexander & Baldwin, Inc.,

822 Bishop Street, Honolulu, Hewait, 96801 (@. 0. Box 3440). I'm sure Mr.
Herbert Luke of your Department of Industrial Medicine {s acquainted with Mr.
Leo. However, should questions develop in either the personel coverage or

Worianen's Compensation areas, please contact our local representatives or
myself and we will do our utmost to see that details are worked out as smoothly

as possible.


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