in the surface soil samples from Wotho.
Ailiginae Atoll
Samples of soil, plants and fish were collected at Ailinginae Atoll in
December, 1974. All samples were analyzed for gamma-emitting radionuc] ides

and selected samples were analyzed for

29Sr and 239,240py,

The results of

these analyses are shown in Appendix Tables 7 (soil), 8 (plants), and 9 (fish).
Six fallout radionuclides, 60¢0, T37¢5, Ws5ey, 241 am, Pu, and 90s, were

easily measured in the soil samples from Ailinginae.

Maximum values for all

of these radionuclides were found in surface soil SBbeo #]| 09)1 Ucchuwanen.
These values in org of arywei at oy as fo fows :
3/cs (44),

155Eu (2.;8}. °

{3. 6),


) and

290sr (11).

iO Os and other

samples 13/Cs ara63, were the ost C buadane radionuclides. Values for these
two radionuclides were usually between 1 and 10 pCi/g and their ratio within

a single sample was usually near 1.

The mean value for 239,240py jin the five

surface samples analyzed was 3.5 pCi/g.

In the plants from Ajlinginae 40k was the most abundant radionuclide

averaging 12 pCi/g, while 137c¢s was the fallout radionuclide present in the

highest concentration ranging from 2.9 to 15 pCi/g.

Strontium-90 was the

only other fallout radfonuc! ide which was easily detectable in all the
Values for 90Sr ranged from 1.6 to 7.1 pCi/g of dry weight and
averaged 3.5 pCi/g, dry. Plutonium was not detectable in the single plant

sample analyzed.

Five species of fish from Ailinginae were analyzed for gamma-emitting

radionuclides and 90sy. Naturally occurring
K was measured in all the
samples in concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 10 pCi/g of dry weight. Cesium
137 and
°“Co were the only fallout radionuclides detected in more than 50%

of the samples and all values were less than 0.4 pCi/g.

Strontium-90 values

were less than the detection limits (0.1 to 0.8 pCi/g) for the method of
analysis and sample size we used.

Two coconut crabs were collected at Ailinginae. Potassium-40 and 90cy.
levels were almost equal. In the muscle 13/Cs values were 12 pCi/g while

Osr values were less than 0.5 pCi.

and 42 pCi/g.

The exoskeleton had 90Sr levels of 22

The two edible hepatopancreas samples had 137cs levels of 3.1

and 12 pCi/g,but 20Sr values were 0.3 pCi/g.
Rongerik Atoll

Soil, plants, and fish were collected on and around Eniwetak Island,
Rongerik Atoll, in November 1974. All samples were analyzed for gamma-emitting

radionuclides and selected samples were analyzed for 99Sr and/or Pu. Results
of the analyses are given in Appendix Tables 6 (coconut crabs), 8 (plants),
9 (fish), 10 (soil) and 11 (soil).
Of ths seven fallout radionuclides commonly found in the surface soil
samples | 3/cs and %sr were present in the nighest concentrations. Cesium-

137 values ranged from 1.9 to 55 pCi/g..9of dry sgils while 2Usr values ranged
from 7 to 35 pCi/g.. ayean ghalues for
13/cs and
74sr were 19+16 and 18+11 pCi/g,


The 137¢s/90sr ratio for the surfage samples in Appendix Tabie

9 was 0.940.3.
Plutonium -239, 240, 41am and
Eu concentrations for these
six samples averaged 3.9+2.5, ; Bo, and 1.9+1 pCi/g, respectively. Cobalt

-60 and !29sb values were less than 0.9 pCi/g (dry).

Select target paragraph3