- 16 Bikini, and any exposure which may occur at Enewetak, however
slight, we can expect the incidence of these conditions to
increase in direct proportion to the amount of the exposure.
BEIR Report



The Sources of Ionizing Radiation
The sources of ionizing radiation with which we are
concerned here are of two kinds.


the relatively brief,

high exposure of the people as a result of the fallout from

Second, the long-term, low-level exposure at all of

the islands from terrestrial sources of radiation and, of
greater significance, the internal exposure of residual
radiation via the food web.
For those who received relatively high exposures, there
is nothing to be done but observe and treat any ill
effects that may have resulted from the initial exposure.
Future potential doses through the diet, however, are subject
to modification, if enough is known about the environmental
sources of the radiation and the movement of the radionuclides
through the food web.
Summary of Needs
It seems to us that, in varying degrees, the people
of Enewetak, Bikini, Rongelap and Utirik have the same needs.


They are four-fold:






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