to effect the early activation of the Task Groups in order that he
might obtain operational control of the subo‘dinate units for planning and coordination only.

It was felt that any substantial delay .

in the orzanizing of the task groups and fulfilment of the support

requirem nts would have to be compensated tor by a like delay in the

test dates.* Consequently, authority to activate the respective
tas} groups by 1 January 1952 was requested.?


In accordance with the desire for earlyectivapion of the task
groups, CJTF 132 sent a letter to ONO in late December 1951 after
it was learned that the Joint Chiefs had substantially approved the

CJTF 132's report.

This letter officially requested CMO to activate

the Naval Task Group on or about 2 January 1952, and that a conmander

be designated therefor.°


Until this time discussions relative to the mission and organising of the naval task group had been carried on between JTF 132

Headquarters and Cp-36 of CNO. Contingent on the approval of the
CJTF, Captain James R. Pahl, U. 5. Navy, who was serving as the

Navy Deputy to the CJTF 132, was elated early in January 1952 to
become the Acting CTG 132.3 until such time as the permanent conmeander reported»

During the latter part of January, Captain Pahl

acted on this assumption, having received verbal authorization from

Rear Admiral P, S. Withington of Op-36, in proceeding with the selection of a nucleus task group staff.” On 1 February 1952, CNO






JTF 132 ltr., Subj:

Se {bid., page 3



Activation of Naval Task Group for Joint

Task Force 132, dated 28 December 1951, JTF 132 AG File R-1661
Record of telephone call, Captain Pahl to Admiral Withington,
dated 21 January 1952, JTF 132 AG File 319.2.






Select target paragraph3