the mission of the naval task group was to provide technical support

of the task force while it was afloat and during’ the evacuation 252
re-entry phases.

To adequately mount and support such a mission, it —

was felt that the following would be necessary:


A suitable command ship equipped with helicopter plat.

form, adequate cormunications, air plot facilities and

small boats for use by the Task Force Commander and staff.
It is believed that an AGC will best meet this requirem nt.


Suitable ships to meet the following requirements:

(1) Berthing and messing for evproximdtely 970 civil-

dans, 330 officers, and 1600 enlisted personnel during
the first shot.

(2) Fvacuation of avrroximately 275 civilians, 40

officers, and 310 enlisted men between the first and
second shots.

(3) Berthing and messing for approximately 695 civil-

fans, 290 officers and 1290 enlisted men during the

second shot.


Five (5) helicopters (HIF-2) for rapid re-entry after


One CVE to provide:

shots, for radiological monitoring and for collection and
transfer of samples to aircraft carrier.

(1) Platform for five (5) helicopters.
(2) Pour (4) afreraft for immediate ferrying of samples

te Kwajalein. Remaining space and facilities of this
ship may be utilized by the security force.
-@. The USS Curtiss for transport ind assenbly of the
devices and to serv’ as flagship for CTG 132.3. This
vessel should be equipped with two 40' motor launches
for the Task Force boat pool.

Firing party will be acconmodated on a ship of the

security forces in the event bunker accommodations ashore

prove impractical.2

Aside from the technical support desired for the tests, them
selves, there were additional naval personnel and equipment require~

First, two boat pools, one for the joint task force and the
Ibid., pages 19-23.




Select target paragraph3