The personne! picture was affected by the conmencement of planning

for the subsequent operation (CASTLE) in that it became certain that

the Task Group Commander's Staff would be returned to Washington; DB. C.,

after IVY.


Qn basis of the original concept that it would be formed in Westi-

ington but be disbanded in the fleet, many-of the personnel had beet
ordered from shore duty. This applied particularly to the 4 enlisted

personnel on duty with the Staff in the Washington Office, of whdn none

vould be technically eligible for return to Washington share duty after IVY.
fo insure continuity of the clerical force and to provide experienced
personnel it was tentatively agreed by the Bureau of Personne} that up

to half this force could be returned for completion of IVY and commence-

ment of CASTIZ, looking forward to gontinuity and orerly rotation
should the Task Group Commander's Flag Allowance, like the Task Force

Headquarters, become a semipermanent requirement for personnel manning.
The tine spent on board ship dweing IVY will count as sea duty for
the enlisted persomel, but will not terminate current tour of shore

duty, unless reassigned to sea duty prior returning to a shore station.
The problem was present but less serious in regard to the officers

of the Staff since all time spent in the Task Force is counted as sea
duty for promotion purposes.

Many of the officers came from sea duty

Select target paragraph3