Officers for the Boat Pool, having been given an indoctrination with

the Task Group Commander's Staff, were made available to Conmander
Amphibious Training Command for further training and to assist in the

training of the enlisted personnel of the Boat Pool. The officers


involved were: LT W. 1. Bond, USN, CHCARP N. E. Ross, USN, and BOSN

F. J. Cook, Jr., USN, ComPhibTraPac accepted ahd the transfer was effected
in ¥id-June,




On request from Commander Amphibious Training Command, for the services
of the prospective officer-inecharge of the Underwater Detection Unit,
(LTJG Roy E. Clymer, Jr., USN) BuPers was requested to modify his orders
Bo that he would report to that comand prior proceeding overseas to


At time original orderg had been prepared on LIJG Clymer, location

of the assembly and training of the Underwater Detection Unit had not been

made known to BuPers or this command.


CUTF-132 obtained from OPNAV and allocated to this canmand quotes to
send 5 officers of the Staff to classes of the Special Weapons Orientation

_ Course, at Sandia Pase, New Mexico. The officers to attend would be
senior officers, section heads or holders of key binets. Quotas were
received, 1 for each class, for 5 classes convening during July and August.

CDR F.R, Eiard, USN, Plans and Operations Yfficer was designated to fil)
the first quote, class convening 8 July 1952.




Select target paragraph3