
(5) Boat Pool Spsre Parts = On 5 June BuShips approved and
forwarded to Naval Supply Depot, San Diego, California, a list of technical
spare parts for boats submitted by this conmand on 28 May.

in letters

of 5 and 7 June, the USS OAK HITL was requested to procure certain items
for boat pool support. ComServPac was requested to provide $14,000 to
finance this vrocurement and gave approval by dispatch on 20 June.


Engines for AVEs were requested of BuShips by letter of 28 May. BuStips
approved the recuest and rassed to Naval Shivyard, Mare Isiand, California

and Naval Station, San Diepo, California, for implenentation; but reduced
the number from & to 2 due to general. shortage of AVR type engines in
naval supply system.

The reduction was accepted by this command on 23 June.

(6) Handling = On 13 June, a Jeheeny

(Landing Craft Carrier) was requested for use at ENIWETOK, CJTF.132 passed
the request to ComServPac by dispatch on 18 June and it was found that the
item was available on a Juan basis, subject to approval by BuShips. An
additonal request for bulk materials to cradle and shore small craft on

evacuation was submitted to CJTF-132 on 9 June, estinated cost: $6,000.

Final ection was not taken et the end of this reporting period.

(7) Staff ~ Two 2hfoot
personnel motor boats, one fitted as a barge, were requested for the task

Group flagship. OPNAV approved and forwarded the request to BuShips for
implementation on 30 June,

(8) Eoutrment = On 11 June a letter was dispatched

. to the USS RENDOVA and USS CURTISS, prospective flagship and temporary
flaeship, respectively, outlining requirements for the fleg mess whenthe


Conmander and Staff would be embarked,


Select target paragraph3