All of the above items are to be shippedto U.S. Naval Stinyard
San Francisco, and marked "Hold for CTG 132.3".

A conference with Mr. C, E, Campbell, Cuarterman, Stop 67,
U.S. Naval Shipyard, San Francisco, California, showed that the
battery srares for these instruments were inadequate, and as a

result this ‘igure was subsequentilv increased to00%,

‘ty, Campbell

pointed out certain maintenance instruments, a miniature tube tester

and a Radiac batterv tester, which BuShips is making available to
the Task Group.

On 23 April 1952 Lieutenant Gill made a staff visit to U.S. Naval
Shipyard, and the Nava] Radiolorical Defense Laboratory, at San
Francisco, California.

As a result of a conference there on 24 April

1952 between Commander R, H. Maynard, USN, of CUTF 132 Head-

quarters Staff, (J~3 Division), Lieutenant Commander C. A, Grutb,
CEC, USN, prospective RadSafe Officer of CTG 132.3 Staff, and
Lieutenant Gill, it was deemed necessarv to install water spray

svstems to vrevent contanuination of vessels of TG 132.3.
The subject of continuous water monitoring devices to detect
the oresence of radioactivity in the lagoon water was discussed with

LCDR Gruth and Mr. Campbell.

These were considered necessary for

several vessels of the Task Group to provide early warning of contamie
nation of water ‘moving in the Jagoon.

Mr, Camnbe]l and LCDR Grubb are


Select target paragraph3