AirPac on 2 December.

This release dissolved Task Element 132.30, .

The USS LEO completed loading roll-up cargo for return to the United
States and was released from the Task Group 26 Movember.

The ship departed

Enivetok the same date. This was the last ship of Task Flement 132.31.
Tho USS OAK HILL, with boats and personnel of the Boat Pool and Undere
water Detection Units embarked, departed "niwetok on 26 November for San

Diego, California, via Pearl llarbor. At San-Diggo,’ after transferring boata
and the personnel of foth units to the Anchititous “training Command, (for leave,
reor ;anization and training of persoxnel), this ship was releasod from the

Task Group on 16 Decembar,

This release dissolved Task Tlement 132.32 and

being the last ship of the Task Croup to. be released from the operational

contro] of Commander: Taak Group 132.3, completed dissolution of Task Group
132.3 as an operational task organization.




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