USS RENDOVA (cvE-114) - K plus 4 (at Eniwetok, to proceed to Ma~

Jalein to load aircraft of TG 192.4 for trensportation to 0.3.)
USS OAK HILL (1-7) and Boat Pool - K plus 15 ,


The USS CURTISS (AVe4) wis announced as avaiiable for sailing to the U.S,
on 14 November (or K plus 1).

Sirice her mission included transportation of

equipment ard material, her release would be after arrival and delivery cf
this equipment and material in the designated port on the mainland.

After the KING Event, on 17 November the-Destroyer Element (TE 132.33)
was directed to proceed to Kwajalein and te escort the CURTISS to the Hawaiian

Near Hawaii, this element was relieved by 2 destroyers furnished by

Commander Cruiser-Destroyer Force, Pacific Fleet (ComCruDesPac). The CURTISS
and escorts departed Kwajalein 18 November.



The USS AGAWAM (A0G-6) with YOG 69 and YON 146 were released to ComServ
Pac on 16 November.
the same date.

The USS LIPAN (ATF=85) also was released to ComServPac on

These vessels departed Fniveteok on 18 November, the LIPAN with

the YON 146 in tow for Guam and the AGAWAM with YOG 69 in company for Kwajalein.
The USS ESTES sailed from Enivetok on 19 Novenber 1952 for San Diego via
Pearl Harbor, and was released on arrival, 6 December, to Commander Auphibious

Force, Pacific Fleet (ComPhibPac). BEST AVAILA®
The USS RENDOVA departed Eniwetok on 20 November for Kwajalein to take

aboard 15 F-84-G Task Group 132.4 airoraft. ‘The RENDOVA arrived there on 21
November, loaded the aircraft and departed for Pearl Harbor the following day.

The RENDOVA stopped in Peat] Harbor for 48 Hours (27-29 November) and then
continued her voyage to San Diego, California.

Commander Task Group 132.3:

own Kis flag in the RENDOVA on 6December shifting administration to


Select target paragraph3