


No fall-out was received on Parry or "niwetok Islands, the FSTES,

HORIZON, or any of the ships at sea.
CJTP 132.

At 1517, reentry was ordered by

The signal was made and executed for the Task Group at 1550.

The COLLINS entered the lagoon via ‘est Channel, Wide Passage, the
AGAWAM via East Channel, Wide Fassage followed by the I IPAN.


HILL, released from her station on Scientific Project 6.11, entered the
lagoon astern of the LIPAN.

The RENDOVA entered via Deep “ntrance,

releasing the RADFORD as plane guard vessel on entry.
The 3 DDFs were released from patrol, except one ship to be on one

hours notice, and all entered the lagoon and anchored.

Security patrols experienced some activity in the pre-KING Event


On the morning of 9 November during KX Rehearsal, a 2-29 type

aircraft of Task Group 132.4 flying at 30,000 feet reported visual
contact with a submerged submarine proceeding in a northerly direction

at 4 to 6 knots.

The contact was reported observed at Iat 11° 27' N.

long 162° 38' E A patrol plane (72V) of the air patrol, a fighter
(FLU) of the CAP, and a DDF of the surface patrol were dispatched to the
point of contact.


The search was continued for four hours with negative


"No submarine".


During the late evening hours of the same day, the USS RFNDOVA, at

anchor in the lagoon, made a brief radar surface contact just off

Fniwetok Island at Iat 11° 19' N., and Long 162° 22.5' %

The contact

disappeared but a search plane sent to investigate dropped sone~buoys

and received brief contacts of unidentified noises on 2 buoys dropped

in the first pat‘ern.

A DD", joined later by a second DDE, continued

Gem - .

Select target paragraph3