due to unfavoreble weather.

First there was a postponement of the event

for 40 minutes, but shortly before the new scheduled time the event
was posvponed for 48 hours.

After one day of the postponement an add-

itional 24 hours delay was found necessary.
Qn receipt of the announoment that the mission was cancelled for
the first KING Day, all ships and units were directed to reenter the
lagoon or return to stations corresponding to K minus 2.

In effect K

minus 2 Day cecured three times and K minua 1 twfoe, before the KING
Event was Pinally executed.

The KING Fvent was carried out on 16 November.

All Task Group ships

and units were on station at H minus 1 as on the firet K Day, 13 November.
After H Hour on K Day, the RENDOVA immediately launched helicopters
and sent them to Parry Island to report to Task Unit 132.1.7 despatoher

to serve in the radsafe aerial survey of the Atoll.
After halicopters were launchéd all the Task Group planes at Eniwetok

were ordered off the ground.

The patrol planes were ordered to Kwajalein

and the TBMs and F4Us to be recovered on board the R*NDOVA.

The missions

of the FAU and TBM units for IVY had been completed.

Reentry Hour was announced and executed at 1550 on KING Day.


ships returned to their anchorages or moorings in the lagoon within a



The Security Patrol DDEs entered the lagoon and anchored, one ship

(the USS FIFTCHYR) remaining in a state of readiness on one -hours notice.
The O'BANNON, on securing from duty as control vess3l for Task Group
132.4, was ordered to Kwajalein to join the USS CURTISS.


Select target paragraph3