



should not hesitate to solicit help on an informal

basis from other agencies.

Cooperative arrange-

ments of this sort have already been tried in a
number of cases.
Furthermore, in preparing a
draft statement any agency should welcome whatever helpful information may be forthcoming from
other agencies or from the public.


In order for such information to be forthcoming,

however, agencies would need to develop means of

other agencies and interested members

of the public to the fact that a draft statement

is being prepared. An announcement to this effect,
at least with respect to administrative actions,
would serve three useful functions:



it. would enable agencies and interested” =...

__pérsonswith. relevant_infermation. toro ae

~make-such -information available intime==
we EN i _-for.usesin’ the ‘draft statements; ~~ eae



it would provide advance notice of the

fact that a draft statement will soon
be available for comment;

it would furnish evidence of the point
in .time.in the. agency decisionmaking
process that the 102 process is initiated.


wee en,



Recommendation #5:

Agencies should devise an

appropriate early notice system, by which the
decision to prepare an impact statement is
announced aS soon as is practicable after that
decision is made. ~(Compare in this respect
the "notice of intent" provisions contained in
§8b of the NEPA procedures of the Environmental

Protection Agency and the provisions for early

public notice contained in paragraphs 12 and


Select target paragraph3