
The relevance of this decision for agency NEPA
procedures is primarily one of ensuring that the
reference to "alternatives" is interpreted con-




sistently with applicable judicial opinions.

most cases a judicial interpretation of a statutory
term does not require an amendment of related documents employing the term.
Presumably the term will
_ be applied and interpreted by an agency in accordance ~
with governing judicial decisions.
However, in view
of the importance of the Morton decision and in view
of the conflicting practices of some agencies prior

to the decision, it seems preferable to expand the

reference to "alternatives" in agency NEPA procedures

at least to the extent of indicating that all reasonable alternatives will be evaluated,

even though they

may not all lie within “the. -agency‘s: control. _Such a. aS

- "—I“¥evision: would,Dot‘add-in anyway to “an.‘agency's

Zig T/gurrent iegal responsibilities;vand-‘might.ensure - ips
-that officialspréparing the statements“keep” in mind
the proper scope of alternatives they must consider.



Recommendation #4:
Agencies should indicate
that all reasonable alternatives and their
environmental impacts are to be discussed,
including those not within the authorityof cr
the agency.
Examples of specific types of
alternatives that should be considered in
connection with specific kinds of actions
should be given where possible.
Such examples
should include, where relevant:

the alternative of taking no action;


alternatives requiring actions of a
significantly different nature which

would provide similar benefits with
different environmental impacts
(e.g., a fossil fuel v. a nuclear
power plant);

Select target paragraph3